Go to your USER CP on the right side under the name of the current thread you are using. Or click here:
http://www.therxforum.com/usercp.php then go to the right side and click "edit avatar" or click
HERE assuming of course that I did that correctly.
Chances are the picture you want to use is way too big to upload so you will need to resize it before trying. I usually resize pictures using PaintBrush cuz its the only thing on the computer I know how to use. You can change the size by going to the "cork/skew" option which i believe is under the edit button on paintbrush. Look at everybody elses picture to get it close to the right size.
Once your picture is avatar size, go back to your UserCP and browse for the file and upload it. Anything displaying the NES, SNES, or Wii logos are under copyright protection so dont even fucking think about it. Bitch.